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Sunday 1 November 2009

10 big mistakes on the first date

From talking to friends of both genders, from personal experience and form some social psychology here they are ten big mistakes to make on a first date and some better suggestions.

First date mistake 1.
Wearing too much after-shave, or perfume it’s too over powering and makes you unpleasant to be close to, trust me it does. A hint of scent will make your date want to come closer. Why because it smells nice but they can’t quite get it, they have to get closer to get the full experience.

First date mistake 2.
Going somewhere noisy you can’t talk. Too quiet and the pressure is on to talk. You need some quietly present background noise. So you can still chat, but the pauses are not painful.

First date mistake 3.
Talking about your last relationship. Your date will wonder how long it will be before you are talking about them like that.

First date mistake 4.
Talking about your future together it makes you seem desperate and clingy.

First date mistake 5.
Talking too much, create a balance, you must talk then listen. Listen as much as you talk.

First date mistake 6.
Men like to talk to impress, but often women are impressed more by how well a man can listen.

She will know you are listening when you restate what she says. E.g. she says I have such fun with my friend Stacy, you reply wow Stacy must know you very well.

First date mistake 7.
Assume you know your date, talk to them find out what they really like, but also offer a balance of information about your self. Or they could feel they are doing all the giving and they know nothing about you. Do know when to shut up about your self though. Keep the balance.

First date mistake 8.
Criticising your friends it makes you untrustworthy. If your date likes that kind of talk, do you really want to be with that kind of person?

First date mistake 9.
Bringing a huge gift, it makes you look desperate to impress, on the first date a small token is better; it promises of things to come and does not make your date feel indebted. It will also allow your date to keep their attention on you as a person rather than on the gift. If a huge gift is expected what will be expected later, can you sustain that, do you really want that kind of relationship.

First date mistake 10.
Not knowing what to do or where to go, or calling all the shots. You need to have some ideas and suggestions but allow your date to choose. They do not have to think too hard or take all the responsibility but they still get to choose. How nice is that.