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Thursday 3 December 2009

Gift ideas for your boyfriend or husband.

Gift ideas for your boyfriend or husband.

They say the difference between a man and a boy is just the price of his toy. I get the idea, but have you seen the price of toys these days. Well any way guys do like toys and gadgets so think along these lines.

Any radio controlled flying model, eg a mini radio controlled helicopter. Yes it is a fact, did you know your boyfriend/husband really wants to be captain scarlet. The system never quite knocked that out of him.

Does your man look very uneasy when you mention cleaning? Sooth his troubled mind with the new mini Robomop softbase, yes this little baby cleans stuff, but because it is a gadget, he will love playing with it, and joy oh joy you finally got him cleaning.

The mp4 film watch for under £50. why do men love gadgets. Well it has something to do with well just being a boy, but also the only viable role model he ever had when growing up was either James Bond or Bat Man. Yes, yes, I know it is sad, but guys just need some more viable role models, it’s not their fault.

If your husband is well educated then he will obviously have an in depth knowledge of Captain Kirk, Dr Who and Obi Wan Kenobi. Which one is the best….

Oh, don’t you know anything; it is Dr Who of course, and thank God for that. Why? Because he has more cool gadgets and know how than all the rest put together. But this is good because he doesn’t fight. Yep no fisticuffs, just pure know how and he is cool. So a few years ago a Dr Who scarf would have been a cool option, but now you can actually buy a Dr Who sonic screwdriver. OK it is for kids but did you know.

Your husbands has always wanted one of these, and with its ultra violate capability it can be used to detect forged bank notes and credit cards, and he can write invisible messages with it. Maybe he will write some sweet romantic message for you. But you’ll need to use the ultra violet end to read it.

Well now for the ultimate gifts, is it make love or make war. Let’s end with the best so; the ultimate gadget gift for you husband or boyfriend is this…

OK for many years now he has had a secret desire. A desire to have knowledge and ability above and beyond other men. He wants to be the very best for you and your family, he wants to attain the ultimate status for you and those he loves, yes you guessed it your husband wants… he wants to be… well… he wants to be a Jedi; the ultimate gift of course is a light sabre. Not some kiddies one, not plastic rubbish but the proper one. One with a bright beam of light and it makes all the right sounds and things, it looks cool and every thing. The sounds are very important. Have you ever noticed how men can mimic any action sound? Weird isn’t it! The down side is, they sell for about £99 and the more down side, one is no good, you need two before your boys can be fighting properly.

Do not despair because we left the best to last. If you are a woman you have infinite resources to provide the very best thing in the whole world. The thing that every man wants, guaranteed. The thing that will satisfy his every desire his every longing. The thing that can cement your relationship and secure his love forever. What is it? Well ask your self, what does he love most in the whole world, I mean beyond football and beer, these are just substitutes. What does he love the most, what would he dedicate his whole life to willingly…

It is you of course. He loves you most of all in the whole world. Maybe you feel that you have already given yourself, and all the energy you have. Maybe you feel tired, don’t worry, just let us give you this idea, and we promise it is the best gift ever for you husband or boyfriend. He idealises you, I know it can be hard to believe sometimes but he does. You are the source of all his love comfort and beauty. If some celeb is providing the beauty then watch him kick her ass out of your relationship when you give him the best gift ever.

What is it, it is a glamorous/sexy photo of you in a nice tasteful frame. I know what you might be thinking. But I’m too fat, not glam enough. The celebs are perfect I am not. Well, Forget all this, you have the ultimate emotional power. To start with you are a real woman, you are actually really with your guy. He can reach out and touch you. He chose you anyway. The media portrays a very specific beauty that all men are supposed to desire. Except they don’t, there is endless beauty in variety, and the good news, the older a man is the more he realises this and throws off the brainwashing of the media. Then there is the fact that a good photographer can make anyone look fantastic. If you’re not convinced of that then there is technology. Computers can be used to make you look tall thing wide, tanned pale anything you want. This photo will be the very best gift ever you give him. There is only one thing better.

Variety, why give him one photo when you could give him a whole album. Get some trusted friend to take the pics then take them to a professional to do the techniqual stuff. Your friend needs to be a good photographer. Or better if you can afford it go to a professional photographer and start from scratch.

An album will be better that one photo, just because it provides infinite variety. Try wearing different costumes. If you have seen him looking at princess lea, or wonder woman with a little twinkle in his eye. Don’t let them get the twinkle, you can hire some costumes and take all that glamour for your self. In his eyes you will become every beautiful woman there is. Every time he sees an image of wonder woman he will think of you, and how he is the luckiest man in the world. If beauty was like wealth, don’t worry that the celebs are more wealthy than you, you can steel away there wealth, just steel their image. Your man is on your side. He will worship your beauty in their clothes. This is just how a man’s mind works.

Giving him photos is like becoming a celeb yourself. Having glamorous or sexy photos is like being on TV. If he looks at these every day, it is like you are on TV every day. You become the celeb you affirm your status as the most important woman in his life.

Some tips, always make the photos glamorous or sexy for maximum impact. You don’t want to hear, ‘that’s nice luv’ you want to see his jaw drop and his eyes wide. But equally the photos need to be tasteful and not too in your face sexy.

Why, well he would probably like in your face sexy, but for longevity, he will be more interested and proud of you in tasteful photos than, blatant sexual photos. It is kind of like Marilyn Monroe verses Deep throat Debbie and the dildo dollies. Who lasted the longest, who captured the hearts and minds of men for the longest. If you don’t know who Deep throat Debbie is, point proven. The last thing to consider when deciding tastefully erotic verses blatantly sexual is what happens if you mum finds the album or your kids find it. Then you will know. If you go for tasteful you can proudly announce to your kids yes mummy can be very glamorous.

As for your husband or boyfriend you will be the queen of all his dreams, for, …well… Forever. You will never grow old in the photos. Your beauty, your emotional power and influence preserved forever. Aren’t you just so clever, good job he deserves you. This is truly the ultimate gift for your husband boyfriend.

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