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Wednesday 28 October 2009

Lie detector game

More on lies and being a human lie detector

Observing micro body language.

These are physiological changes in a person that happen in a microsecond, but guess what, our bodies have the perceptual ability to recognise these in a microsecond. It just takes practice and some trust in your own ability. But to those who do not possess this knowledge it seems like you have super human abilities.

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develop the perception necessary to detect lies

A little experiment you can do is this. Get a friend to write a number 1 to 10 in pencil on the top right hand corner of a paper back some where among the pages. Then you flick through the pages very fast until you think you may have seen something. Then guess what that number is. Then find the page and look at it. You will be surprised how often you can be right, and how much you improve with practice.

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micro physiological changes when people lie

OK so here's the cool deal, when people lie or feel some emotional stress the skin tone and colour of their face changes. Often it becomes slightly pink or more shiny or wet looking. But basically just changes in some way. Only minutely for a fraction of a second. You can spot this like you can spot the number in the book.

spot the lie game.

You can practice this with a trusted friend first, before you go making major judgements about your other relationships. Make sure you both know what you are doing. You are playing a spot the lie game.

So you ask real easy questions of your friend. Questions like what is your favourite colour or singer, how old are you. Then they know at some point they must tell a lie. Your job is firstly to spot the change in their face the colour texture etc of their skin and secondly to identify the lie.

Take turns being the liar and the detector. So your friend feels they are also gaining something form this. With practice you will become very good at this. And will develop this priceless perceptual ability.

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