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Friday 30 October 2009

Quick way to understand men or inside a man’s mind

Men are made of the stuff of little boys. His emotions, personality, dreams, and ways of behaving all have their foundation in a little boy.

Little boys see that girls are admired just for being, being pretty, being sweet, being mummy or daddy’s little girl (Yes it is a generalisation)

It is not so for little boys (Usually) they find they are only admired when they do something special. They see older boys admired of doing something special.

So they set off on their life’s quest to do something special so they will be loved and admired. The Key word here is DO the must do something, just to be loved. They must be competent skilled and clever or so they think.

No wonder the poor dears get into so much trouble. So the next time you find some man maybe even a man you like annoying you by doing things to try and impress you, or telling you what wonderful things he has done. Remember this is his cry for love, he is saying please love me, care about me. I am a good boy.

So apply some emotional intelligence, and you can become the most wonderful woman in the world to him, and leave any competition standing in the dust wondering what happened.

What’s the best response? Validate him! Comment on him being so clever to have done that. Or so competent, or skilled, appear impressed or happy. He will feel delighted and do all he can to make you feel happier and sustain your happiness.

Later you can work on what really makes you happy, once he knows you are the only one, he needs.

If some guy is just annoying you and you want him to go and leave you. The very best way is to validate him and then gently send him on his way, but it must be very clear. Something like “you are a very sweet guy, you’ll be good for some girl but your not right for me”

Guys only get aggressive if they feel they have been lead on and made a fool. Or there is ambiguity that leads to frustration. Similar thing, or their mates are watching and they feel a fool. Or you deliberately insult or bitch them up, when they have just offered their heart to you and now feel like a fool. You have shown them to be incompetent and not clever.

I could go on about this for ever but am desperately trying to keep it short. I have written many articles on relationships and emotional intelligence look out for them.

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