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Wednesday 28 October 2009

Lies, be a human lie detector

Lies, be a human lie detector

Here are some very quick simple ways to test if your partner might be deceiving you, withholding something or downright lying to you.

People typically change the speed, at which they talk when they are lying, that is when you catch them off guard. They may speed up as they answer your most likely when they want you to leave the subject and not ask more. Or they can slow down, most likely if they are thinking of the excuse as they speak or want to sound extra convincing. If the lie has been well rehearsed it may sound normal.

Over elaborating.

When they come home do they want to tell you more about what they have been doing than usual? When you ask them about what they have been doing do they tell you too much?

Do they tell you less than usual, if you ask them they are evasive just saying they had a boring day.

Very clever technique,

If you ask them about some thing and you feel them become emotionally stressed like they are lying or wanting to change the subject. Allow them the change the subject or change it yourself and observe their emotional tension, does it decrease. Then later come back to that first subject and see if the tension comes back too. If so worth investigating further.

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